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Air pollution regulation violators receive billions in tax subsidies: Report

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Thursday, March 14, 2024

State and local governments give billions in tax subsidies to plastics processing facilities with a history of air pollution violations that disproportionately affect people of color, according to a report from the Environmental Integrity Project. The environmental nonprofit analyzed 50 plants constructed or expanded in the last 12 years. The vast majority were in Texas and Louisiana, while five were in Mississippi, Iowa, Alabama, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Of the nearly 600,000 people who live within 3 miles of the facilities analyzed, 2 in 3 are people of color. Thirty-two of the 50 facilities collectively received nearly $9 billion in state and local subsidies, according to the analysis. The report also determined that 42 of the 50 plants have violated air pollution control permits on at least one occasion in the past three years, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online database. For example, in 2015, Thailand-based company Indorama received a $1.5 million grant from the state of Louisiana and was exempted from local taxes for a facility in the town of Westlake. As a condition of these subsidies, it agreed “to meet or exceed all environmental regulations.” However, in the first half of 2019, it emitted more than 90 times the Clean Air Act’s level of allowable volatile organic compounds. The 50 plants emitted about 63 million tons of greenhouse gases in 2021, according to the analysis. “Companies like Indorama receive public subsidies and make promises to be 'committed to protecting public safety, health, and the environment.' But once those subsidies and construction permits are in hand, the companies fail to keep their promises by repeatedly releasing illegal pollution during malfunctions, breakdowns, and industrial ‘upset’ incidents,” the report states. In many cases, these same facilities set up in areas where the nominal watchdogs for their environmental impacts have limited resources. Both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality combined have a budget that comprises less than the tax subsidies analyzed in the report. Communities on and near the Gulf Coast are particularly vulnerable to the air pollutants associated with the petrochemical industry. An area colloquially known as “Cancer Alley” in Louisiana accounts for 85 percent of petrochemical production in the U.S. and is also associated with disproportionately high rates of cancer.  

State and local governments give billions in tax subsidies to plastics processing facilities with a history of air pollution violations that disproportionately affect people of color, according to a report from the Environmental Integrity Project. The environmental nonprofit analyzed 50 plants constructed or expanded in the last 12 years. The vast majority were in Texas and Louisiana,...

State and local governments give billions in tax subsidies to plastics processing facilities with a history of air pollution violations that disproportionately affect people of color, according to a report from the Environmental Integrity Project.

The environmental nonprofit analyzed 50 plants constructed or expanded in the last 12 years. The vast majority were in Texas and Louisiana, while five were in Mississippi, Iowa, Alabama, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. Of the nearly 600,000 people who live within 3 miles of the facilities analyzed, 2 in 3 are people of color. Thirty-two of the 50 facilities collectively received nearly $9 billion in state and local subsidies, according to the analysis.

The report also determined that 42 of the 50 plants have violated air pollution control permits on at least one occasion in the past three years, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online database.

For example, in 2015, Thailand-based company Indorama received a $1.5 million grant from the state of Louisiana and was exempted from local taxes for a facility in the town of Westlake. As a condition of these subsidies, it agreed “to meet or exceed all environmental regulations.” However, in the first half of 2019, it emitted more than 90 times the Clean Air Act’s level of allowable volatile organic compounds. The 50 plants emitted about 63 million tons of greenhouse gases in 2021, according to the analysis.

“Companies like Indorama receive public subsidies and make promises to be 'committed to protecting public safety, health, and the environment.' But once those subsidies and construction permits are in hand, the companies fail to keep their promises by repeatedly releasing illegal pollution during malfunctions, breakdowns, and industrial ‘upset’ incidents,” the report states.

In many cases, these same facilities set up in areas where the nominal watchdogs for their environmental impacts have limited resources. Both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality combined have a budget that comprises less than the tax subsidies analyzed in the report.

Communities on and near the Gulf Coast are particularly vulnerable to the air pollutants associated with the petrochemical industry. An area colloquially known as “Cancer Alley” in Louisiana accounts for 85 percent of petrochemical production in the U.S. and is also associated with disproportionately high rates of cancer.  

Read the full story here.
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E-commerce hubs worsen air pollution: Study

Air pollution is worsening near massive e-commerce warehouses as a result of constant traffic around these hubs, a new study found. The new study was led by researchers at The George Washington University and published in the Nature Communications journal on Wednesday. The researchers used satellite observations to measure traffic-related pollutant nitrogen dioxide across nearly 150,000...

Air pollution is worsening near massive e-commerce warehouses as a result of constant traffic around these hubs, a new study found. The new study was led by researchers at The George Washington University and published in the Nature Communications journal on Wednesday. The researchers used satellite observations to measure traffic-related pollutant nitrogen dioxide across nearly 150,000 warehouses in the U.S.  Overall, the researchers discovered that nitrogen dioxide increased 20 percent in the areas near the warehouses. The study noted that these warehouses are “disproportionately located in marginalized and minoritized communities.” The researchers used a satellite instrument from the European Space Agency to look at the thousands of warehouses across the U.S. They noted that trucks and other vehicles release nitrogen dioxide, which can lead to asthma and other health problems, as they drive in and out of these e-commerce hubs. The research, funded by NASA, also found that warehouses with more vehicle activity had higher increases of nitrogen dioxide that were above the 20 percent average. Those warehouses that have more parking spaces and loading docks were correlated with higher nitrogen dioxide levels. Gaige Kerr, lead author of the study and an assistant research professor of environmental and occupational health, said in a press release that people living near these warehouses are inhaling more pollution from nitrogen dioxide. “Increased truck traffic to and from these recently built large warehouses means people living downwind are inhaling an increased amount of harmful nitrogen dioxide pollution,” Kerr said. “Communities of color are disproportionately affected because they often live in close proximity to warehouses, especially dense clusters of warehouses.”

Looking From Space, Researchers Find Pollution Spiking Near E-Commerce Hubs

Research showed truck-related releases of nitrogen dioxide, which can cause asthma, concentrated around some 150,000 warehouses nationwide.

They are mammoth warehouses large enough to fit football fields inside them, handling many of the more than 20 billion packages Americans send and receive each year.But for people who live around them, the round-the-clock semitrailer traffic at these giant hubs significantly worsens air pollution, according to a new NASA-funded study that tracked pollutants from space.The research, led by scientists at George Washington University, is the first of its kind; it used satellite technology to measure a harmful traffic-related pollutant called nitrogen dioxide, zooming in on nearly 150,000 large warehouses across the United States. They found that nitrogen dioxide, which can lead to asthma and other health problems, jumped 20 percent on average near the warehouses. At the busiest facilities the increase was higher.“The average warehouse built since about 2010 looks a lot different than the warehouses that were built prior to that, with lot more loading docks, a lot more parking spaces,” said Gaige Kerr, the lead author of the study and an assistant research professor of environmental and occupational health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health of George Washington University.“They’re also increasingly being built in dense clusters next to other warehouses, and attract a lot more traffic, specially heavy-duty vehicles. And that’s very bad when it comes to pollution.”The research underscores how logistics hubs have fast become a significant contributor to pollution as American heavy industry, a traditional source of pollution, has receded over the past decades and as the power sector has cleaned up its power plants.Subscribe to The Times to read as many articles as you like.

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