From a series of outwardly inconvenient moments during my first time truly camping and doing so alone, I had the time to discover questions I wanted to bring to light. This film is as much a personal exploration as it is an essay, an ode to an island, and a poetic cracking open of ironies. I went to Cumberland Island at a strange point in my life with the idea of unearthing the controversy around the wild horses and retained rights. What I found, however, was an amazing contradiction in how we envision wilderness. I began the film during the end of my junior year of college and continued the piece as my senior thesis. It is not about right or wrong, black or white, or supplying a definite answer. I simply attempt to step back for a moment and think about the wild. To truly look at an idea we may think we so clearly understand, to question our preconceived notions and examine how we use our words. Thank you for your time, Gabriella Garcia-Pardo